OSI County Advance Planning Process
Welcome to the California Office of Technology and Solutions Integration (OTSI) County APD website. The OTSI has streamlined and redesigned the processes surrounding County Advance Planning Document (APD) handling to increase efficiency, consistency and defensibility. The OTSI utilized a multi-function business process redesign team that assisted in the development of work products and deliverables referenced on this web site.

Project Background provides information about the County APD Reengineering Project describing the project history, scope and deliverables, and approach of the process improvement initiative that was conducted by OTSI in 2007.

County Communications contains files of OTSI's Training Sessions, Critical Dates in the APD Process Timeline, APD Training Materials, Training Dates, and Periodic Updates.

Workflows, procedures, development tools, specific regulatory considerations and other resources to process a County APD

Contact information for all state organizations as well as many county contacts involved in the County APD process